
Five Drifting Clouds

1 Jinmus 86 (1 Nov)
80 lb
Dominant Hand
Lawful Neutral
  • The Four Isles
    • Bellward
      • Cross Haven
    • Wickerpoint (formerly)
  • Order of Cross Haven
  • Cleric
  • Adventurer
  • Fisherman (formerly)
First Owner
Design Origin
Total Value
Creation Date
31 Oct 2023
Species Owner
Universe Owner

This character's profile is a work in progress. Information may be missing, incomplete, or outdated.

This character's profile has been edited to remove spoilers for current/upcoming projects. Information that is up-to-date may be hidden, omitted, or changed.

Five Drifting Clouds is a young adult tabaxi cleric of the Tempest domain. They live in Cross Haven, Bellward and work for the Order of Cross Haven as an adventurer.


Five Drifting Clouds is a short black tabaxi with some patches of white fur. Though their fur is mostly short, they have a ruff of longer fur around their neck. They have green eyes and dull pink skin, visible on their nose and paw pads. They wear a dark blue hooded cloak, though they usually keep the hood down. It bears several patterns: lightning bolts, chevrons, and teardrops, and from the end of it dangle several light blue orbs. Under their cloak, they wear simple clothing in tones of brown and an amber amulet.

Design Notes

  • There is a symbol of a crescent moon on the back of their cloak. It is a waning crescent, in which the 'lit' part of the moon is black and the 'shadowed' part is not drawn.
  • The badge they wear, in the shape of a cracked bell, was only gained at the beginning of session 3, after completing their first quest with the party.
  • The golden earplugs they wear were only gained in session 10. They wear them most of the time now, but may be drawn without them.
  • The bag worn on their belt is optional.


Five Drifting Clouds is a rather reserved kind of person, tending to rely only on themself and make conversation quite infrequently. Most often they can be seen standing alone, writing or sketching in their book of poetry. Despite their quietness, Five is, however, not particularly introverted—preferring to spend their time with others almost without exception, even if their company is more often than not just in peaceful silence. Something Five loves more than anything is to teach and be taught; they will never pass up an opporunity to share their knowledge on something they're passionate about, such as birds, or to hear someone talk about something they know and love. Though Five cares greatly for those they consider close, they struggle to communicate their feelings effectively and tend to come off as standoffish. They hate to discuss the things that make them uncomfortable and are prone to lashing out when they feel they've been backed into a corner. They are a very cowardly and 'flight-oriented' person, always opting to run from their problems rather than confronting them when they have the means.

As a result of having grown up in the midst of a famine, Five lives very cautiously and frugally. They concern themself only with the bare necessities of life and feel a great sense of obligation to share what they have generously with those in need. They are very principled and feel a strong aversion to cruelty and violence, often to their own detriment in their recent involvement with the adventurers' guild.


In Wickerpoint

As revealed by Gati, Five Drifting Clouds was raised somewhere in Wickerpoint. They have mentioned growing up on a farm and seem to have been forced to leave around two years ago for some reason or another.

Adventuring for the Order of Cross Haven

After nearly two years spent earning their wages in Cross Haven as a fisherman, Five Drifting Clouds joined the Order of Cross Haven, an adventurers' guild, on Jinmus (November) 7, 105 NA. It was here they met their party members: Abel, Caprino, Taketros, Bunny, and Ferrek. The six of them were grouped together out of obligation, due to being the last individuals without a chosen party during sign-ups. They would be assigned their first quest immediately upon joining: an escort mission to Silkfaire.

Quest 1: Escort to Silkfaire

For their inaugrual quest, the party was tasked with escorting a caravan of dwarves from Cross Haven to Silkfaire, a trip which lasted two days. On their way there, the party was attacked by a pack of death dogs, several gnolls, and a juvenile sandworm. During the fight with the sandworm, Five was badly wounded by its bite, knocking them unconscious. Once it had been defeated by the rest of the party, Ferrek healed them and the party successfully made it to Silkfaire. After seeing the caravan to their destination and visiting the local doctor, the party then made their way back to Cross Haven alone with little trouble.

Quest 2: Project Rebirth

The party became involved in their second quest for the Order after encountering Cora, a human mother worried about the supposed disappearance of her daughter Chantelle. They began investigating by visiting the local physician's office, her last known location. After talking to the physician (Tyrik, a dwarven man), who was unhelpful, and his assistant (Dart, a kobold woman), who gave them a lead, the party was ambushed by several 'scientists' and reborn. Due to taking a hit from a necrotic spell cast by Abel, Caprino was revealed to be a reborn as well. The fight ended peacefully with one of the other reborn, a lizardfolk woman named Aida who apparently knew Caprino. Ferrek and Abel returned to break into the physician's office later that night, where they unearthed concerning evidence of Tyrik's involvement in something called "Project Rebirth" and briefly met a young white-furred harengon. After bringing the evidence to the Council of Cross Haven, the party was ordered to find her and figure out what had happened, under threat of demotion should they fail.

Following the lead given to them by Dart, the party set out for Hound's Bay. Tyrik, who'd earlier fled from Cross Haven, was found here and and questioned violently by some members of the party, which Five found disturbing. With information gained from Tyrik, and later Vixen (a tiefling woman who Ferrek had known), the party finally had a location to search for evidence related to Project Rebirth. On their way there, they stopped to rest for the night in Needle Gulch, a small town long-abandoned due to being destroyed in the war between Bellward and Mainnet. Only one house was structurally sound enough to spend the night in.

The following morning, the party arrived at their destination, which turned out to be an abandoned worksite used in Project Rebirth. It was here they learned the nature of the project: an experiment funded by the Plague Rats and/or the Red Board in which the dead (including Caprino and Aida) were unwillingly brought back to life to serve as soldiers in Mainnet's civil war. The party successfully took down Kal, the aarakocra man in charge of it, though the fight was not without loss. Fe, Ferrek's steel defender, was fatally wounded. He was able to rebuild her using scraps recovered later that night, but her memories were not recoverable. Additionally, Five accidentally killed one of Kal's assistants in self-defense, which they were not prepared to do. The party shortly thereafter found and rescued Chantelle. On their way back, the party encountered a lamia woman named Gati who blackmailed them into a deal to find someone for her: Erthos Moor.

Not long after having returned from their second quest, the party was contacted by a couple (Faerieth the eladrin and Pak the goblin) interested in hiring them for another. The two were from Oxside, a town populated mostly by fey, and were interested in traveling to Adelwood to retrieve fey-owned artifacts lost to time for its citizens. The party agreed to travel there and recover as much as they could. They were to leave for Oxside the next morning, from where they would use a teleportation spell to reach Starpath in Adelwood. During this meeting, Lunelis was introduced to the party and decided to tag along for the journey.

Quest 3: Meldor's Murder Mystery


Quest 4: Adelwood Artifact Recovery




  • Poetry Writing: Five Drifting Clouds has been reading and writing poetry in their spare time for several years, a hobby they picked up thanks to their father. They own a book specifically for writing poetry in, which they take with them everywhere they go.
  • Artistic Ability: Five has some experience with visual artistic mediums as well, often sketching with ink in the margins of their poetry book. Their subjects are mostly birds, due to their special interest in them.
  • Fishing: Due to experience gained from their job in Cross Haven, Five is a skilled fisherman.

Natural Abilities

  • Night Vision: As a tabaxi, Five is able to see exceptionally well in the dark.

Conditional Abilities

  • Cleric Spellcasting: As a conduit for divine power, Five can cast cleric spells they've been blessed to be able to use by their god. They are a Tempest domain cleric, and the spells they most often use include Lightning Lure, Shocking Grasp, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt, and Shatter.



Abel is probably the party member whom Five Drifting Clouds currently feels the most comfortable around, due to a perceived mutual kinship. Though they initially found him intimidating, they quickly found themself relating to him for his otherness and generally reserved personality, which has caused them to lower their guard around him and view him as a potential friend. His actions so far seem to prove that he cares about them on more than a superficial level, for what reason they couldn't begin to grasp—so far, they have done little to prove the same to him.



Five Drifting Clouds was initially offput by Caprino's strange and somewhat frightening demeanor, especially after hearing rumors of it stealing crops; however, it did not take long for them to grow to feel comfortable around it due to its kindness and willingness to cooperate. Its revelation of being a reborn marked a turning point in their view of it, causing Five to sympathize more heavily with it and feel some sort of obligation to help. Generally, they get along well, though they don't interact much.



Though some of his actions have created hurdles in their trust of him, Five Drifting Clouds' opinion of Taketros is positive overall. He has shown the most personal interest in their and the rest of the party's wellbeing, which they deeply admire. They appreciate his involvement as a voice of reason among the group—one much louder and more confident than their own, and thankfully mostly aligning with their own ideals.



Five Drifting Clouds gets along well with Bunny. They trust her more than most other members of the party, though they do worry her naïvety might get her (and, by extension, the rest of them) in trouble. They appreciate her sincerity and the unabashed kindness she's shown to the whole party. Five feels they see somewhat eye-to-eye with her, especially since they both grew up in farming families, and is glad to have someone on the team they can count on agreeing with.



Ferrek's standing in Five Drifting Clouds' judgement has been dubious at best since the beginning. Initially intimidated by his sheer authority and skill, Five has only further grown wary of Ferrek due to the hostility he's displayed during their time together in the party. His propensity for violence has caused them to fear him, though it is not to say they aren't aware of his value as a member of the team. They do their best to stay out of his way.


Five Drifting Clouds met Lunelis shortly before the beginning of their third quest for the Order of Cross Haven. Xey were introduced to the rest of the party shortly after, and have agreed to travel with them on their way to Adelwood.


  • In their free time, two things Five Drifting Clouds especially enjoys doing are reading/writing poetry and birdwatching. They have read most poetry available in Cross Haven's local library and know an excessive amount about birds due to all the research they've done on them and the time they've spent watching them. If they were to be asked what kind of bird they'd be, they would answer with the common cuckoo.
  • Five is particularly sensitive to loud sounds, having often been seen covering their ears upon casting Shatter or otherwise in anticipation of loud sounds. Their golden earplugs, a gift given to them by Lunelis upon their meeting, have mostly mitigated this issue.
  • The bronze badge in the shape of a cracked bell they wear is indicative of their membership of the Order of Cross Haven. Since it is not accompanied by any others, it indicates that they are of the lowest possible rank.

Ribbons by MisterMuse


Sourced in Circuitry: A character who was originally created using a digital art medium.


Bread: A character who is worth at least $20.00.


Frog: A character who is worth at least $50.00.


Appreciated: A character who has been featured in at least 20 Images.


Admired: A character who has been featured in at least 50 Images.


Adored: A character who has been featured in at least 150 Images.


Loved: A character who has been featured in at least 20 Images created by their owner.


Storyteller: A character who has been featured in at least 1 Literature.


Musical: A character who has at least 5 songs in a playlist dedicated to them.


Sonata: A character who has at least 15 songs in a playlist dedicated to them.
by dyhayc


Symphony: A character who has at least 30 songs in a playlist dedicated to them.
by dyhayc


Known: A character who has at least 10 Favorites.


Treasure Trove: A character who is part of an original species from a movie, show, book, game, or other form of media.
by StormyStarlight


Homed: A character who is owned by their creator.


Forever Homed: A character who has found their forever home.


Close Company: A character who has a physical real-life item based on them such as a plush, statue, or keychain.


Motion Magic: A character who has been featured in an animation or video.


Panelhopper: A character who has been featured in at least one comic of any kind.


D20: A character who was made for/has been played in Dungeons & Dragons.


Actor: A character who has been used in roleplay.


Spinoff: A character who is a fan-character for a movie, show, book, game, or other form of media and exists within that media's universe.
by StormyStarlight


Shapeshifter: A character who has multiple different forms or alternate universe versions of themself or their story.
by StormyStarlight


Best Dressed: A character whose design is among their owner's favorites.


Best Developed: A character whose personality/development/story is among their owner's favorites.


2023: A character who was made in the year 2023.
by Kyovella


Transgender: A character whose gender does not match the gender they were assigned at birth.


Nonbinary: A character whose gender does not fit either of the binary genders, male or female.


Genderfluid: A character whose gender is fluid or ever-changing.


Aromantic: A character who does not experience romantic attraction.


Asexual: A character who does not experience sexual attraction.


Aromantic Asexual: A character who is both aromantic and asexual; a character who does not experience romantic nor sexual attraction.
by StormyStarlight