


9 months, 22 days ago


PrickleKit -> PricklePaw -> PricklePond

  • Prickle comes from her frizzy coat (as well as being a pointy thing like her mother CactusHeart and brother SplinterStar)
  • Pond comes from an incident where she quickly devised a bowl out of large leaves to quickly bring water to a dying cat

Medicine cat of DustClan

Born of she-cat warrior CactusHeart and kittypet tom Eddie. She hated her father for not sacrificing his kitty pet life to be with his family and refuses to even acknowledge him. After SplinterKit's injury she would spend much of her time in the medicine den helping him, this would also be where she gained a father figure in the aging medicine cat ShadeSprout and was determined to become his medicine cat apprentice.

Soon after PricklePond became a full warrior ShadeSprout would finally retire. Not long she would mentor the recently recruited CottonPaw where they would fall and love and have a secret relationship, loving her serious nature that was easy to tease.

PricklePond is REALLY good and serious with her medicine duties despite her otherwise laid back attitude, she loves joking and playing around with everyone, always tried to liven the mood.

  • Keeps all sorts of herbs in her fur at all times, a trait inherited from her mentor
  • Sometimes when treating cats with minor wounds she will have them eat something pretending it's medicine, only for it to be insanely spicy as a joke
  • She looks a LOT like her dad but she will get angry if you point that out