




Name Kosmos
Called Kosmos
Age 23
Gender Male
Sexual Orientation Pansexual
Build Short and Slim
Race Candyfloss
Clan Nu
Relationship Single
Fav Color Pastel Pink
Occupation Dancer
Theme Mikrokosmos


  • Flowers
  • Space themed things
  • Music
  • Dancing


  • Loud noises
  • Dark places
  • Rude people
  • Techno music




Kosmos is a really sweet boy. He is a friendly, energetic, happy boy, that loves to dance. He kinda of a scared baby. He lacks a bit of confidence, blushing hard when someone compliments him.


Kosmos loves music, but only if he can dance to it. He also loves to sing but only when he is alone. He is actually a pretty good singer. His dream is to be part of an idol group. He already has a dance group. He loves sweets, specially Ichigo daifuku and Hotteok. He loves pastel colors and cute clothes.


Kosmos is a common sugarfloss, with long pink hair, with a three color palette.


Kosmos was born in a family of musicians, making him love music. In an early age, he started to have dance classes, and never stoped. He was always a good dancer, being called the best in class various times. He won a few awards during dance events and competitions. His parents are really proud of him and support him a lot, taking him everywhere he needed and always cheering for him.

Teen Years

As a teen, Kosmos had a hard time with his school mates. Being the boy who danced was kinda hard and other boys made fun of him. At some point, his parents got really worried and wanted him to stop dancing, but only because they were worried he might get hurt by the other boys. Kosmos always denied it and kept doing what he loved, trying not to give it importance. He cried himself to sleep a lot of times, but he would never give up on something that make him so happy. His parents decided to keep him home-schooled for a while, which helped him. After getting back to school, things were more calm and he was able to continue studying with no problems.


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