F2U HTML | you turn the screws



4 years, 9 months ago
Trade Listing



I have pulled you turn the screws for a very necessary complete rewrite. 

It's a very old code that was made before I knew what I was doing and referenced (with permission) another coder's work. That coder has left the community and it feels wrong to leave the code up as is. Plus I can do a lot better.

I will be trying to keep the feel of the code the same but things may change so that it is a more stable, customizable, and readable code. I'm also not happy with the notation which has not helped with people not breaking this damn thing.

I would appreciate if when the new version is out that you would all upgrade to it (and I will make it worth your while) but also I'm not your mom and I'm not gonna chase you down about it.

Anyway here's the rules for reference, please comment on this bulletin if you want a direct ping when the new version is out.

By using either version of this code you are agreeing to these rules.
Breaking the rules just ends in shame and also being blocked.

  1. Do not redistribute this code, you can continue to use the old version but sharing it will get you blocked. And if someone wants the new version send them here.
  2. You can frankenstein this code for personal use, but you can't use it to make a code you're going to redistribute.
  3. Credit can be moved but not removed. If you chose to keep using the old code you still can't remove the credit even if the link is dead.
  4. I don't check in that often so the tech support will be minimal and I will be providing no support for the old version.
There you go that's it. I'll be back sometime soon with the new version!