


1 year, 4 months ago


creative . tsundere . stubborn

Quick Stats

name Caive
Age 25
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Species Galatier
Orient. pansexual


Caive was raised in a large family and as a result, in order to get attention, he grew up to be rather loud and rambunctious. His cousins' constant teasing didn't help matters, as he soon developed thick skin against insults and learned to hold his own.

He's matured quite a bit since then and insists that he's grown out of all the attention-seeking, but when he's around his cousins he can't help but be riled up and ends up making a scene.

He works as a food magazine writer and occasionally appears in the odd video or two on their official youtube channel. Most of his coworkers have an impression of a polite, professional young man until they get to know him and his snark.


  • When he was younger he developed specific phrases to say when he wanted to sound cool, but in reality he just sounded lame. It's become a habit to say them now, regardless of all the teasing he gets—they'll become cool eventually, okay!
  • He has a baby face but wishes he was a bad boy... the struggle is real. He would dress in all black but he doesn’t think it suits him, so he wears black coloured accessories instead.
  • He knows he's a bit of a tsundere but he can't help it. Its just coded into him to pretend not to care (he blames his cousins, once again).
  • He has thick skin and doesn’t take insults personally, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t dish out what he gets.
  • Making people food is his love language. If he likes you, he’ll ask for your food preferences.
  • Even though he’s very professional and sounds like a different person in the videos he does for work, over time the editors started seeking out cuts of his true personality to include in the videos since the first instance (which was included by accident) was such a hit with their audience.

Design Notes

Designer yulcinoa
Obtained Auction
Worth priceless ;w ;
Status my son!!
  • (!) The edits to his design were done with designer permission.
  • He has a mole on his right cheek.
  • His shirt has a four-leaf clover on it.
  • His shoulder tattoo is a four-leaf clover inside a circle with four spikes.
  • His bottom eyelashes are prominent.




(his supernova!!)

Getting a random DM from a social media star was not something he expected would ever happen to him, but somehow, things went on from there and Nova became... important to him. Although the other is often out of town, busy galavanting around the world, Caive is fine with it for the most part. Being around Nova is never boring, even if its just through text or call.