Oihana Abaroa



1 year, 11 months ago


18 EYO
daughter of a musician manager and an accountant, her parents split amicably when she was 12 EYO
lost her leg a while ago in a car crash with her mom and her mom's best friend - both she and her mom lost legs, but the best friend lost her life
she wound up choosing wood for her prosthetic in hopes it would feel a bit more natural to her brain with her delta powers. it...sort of does. sorta.
the accident wound up changing her plans though, she had been wanting to go to college in phi but since the accident she changed plans and decided to go to a uni in delta. it's... she just... wants to live somewhere without cars... it'll be a bit hard to adjust probably but considering she has to be on insanely strong anxiety meds just so she can get into a car she thinks it's worth it.