


6 years, 7 months ago



Rikkal - (rick - all)

A demon hunter. Predominantly works as a Watcher, looking after the captured demons in The Cages of the hunter Kingdom, though he does go on hunts from time to time.

He's honestly quite terrible at Hunting and is often scolded for his failures during hunts by his captain, Sigma. (Sigma intimidates Rikkal more than most of his coworkers, he finds himself being extra clumsy and foolish around Sigma because of the man's strong presence. Rikkal definitely has a crush on him and there are more than a few sketches of Sigma in the quaint notebook he carries with him. 

Rikkal tries hard to improve his abilities out on the field but is simply not made a fighter and knows that Sigma finds him pathetic (pretty much everyone does. Some people just don't got it, yknow?). The only reason he trained to become a Hunter was because his grandmother (his only living relative) wanted him to be as he grew up. 

She lives in the neighboring land of Norme, caring for the children at an orphanage she helps run, but often struggles for money. Rikkal works to keep her and the orphanage afloat. He wants to do her proud, though whenever he visits her she has to tell every passerby that, "My grandson is a noble Demon Hunter!" (which embarrasses him greatly and makes him feel like a fraud, because he sucks so bad at his job). 

His passions truly lie in painting and sketching. He can often be found doodling the demons in the sectors that he tends to during his shifts. (and certain beautiful demon hunter captains...)

He's kind, shy and often times awkward around the people/demons he converses with. Though he has a good relationship with a few of the demons in the cages, even though it is frowned upon to acknowledge them when they speak, he does not wish to be cruel and many of the demons in the cages are not evil, rather just mischievous. He doesn't work in the lower cages (where all the truly vile demons are kept). Many of them like when he's the one working.

Particularly he gets along well with the beast demon, Favurn, who he sometimes sneaks extra treats to when it's feeding time.

When the kingdom is overcome and doomed by a demon horde attack, Favurn saves his life by fending off his fellow demons that are intent on kidnapping/hurting/killing Rikkal (they are quite literally all fighting over him in a circle while he cowers). He is overcome by the horde and Rikkal is forced to leave him behind or die. He escapes with a few other survivors through the panic tunnel system under the city (for events such as these).

Rikkal is later reunited with Favurn in the woods outside the fallen kingdom, when the survivors cross paths with the demon enchanter Malka, who recently escaped from the lower depths of the city's cages. An unconscious Sigma seems to be direly wounded in the arms of one of the demons already at Malka's side. It is then that Malka uses his powers to bring everyone within a specific radius under his 'love' influence. Rikkal and Favurn become enchanted and follow him away from the burning city.

For the months afterword's, Rikkal and Favurn work together as Malka's personal 'bodyguards'. This is due to the fact that Rikkal is the only demon hunter Malka has in his possession (the rest of the people are a bunch of boring civilians). Favurn is also one of the few demons he has as well, and he just loves big fluffy dogs!) They take up residence in a small town within the woods of the surrounding kingdom, secluded enough to avoid the now rampaging horde that plagues the land, it's power inflated by consuming the demons within the cages during the Hunter city's demise. 

Malka lives in a life of luxury and they bask in his glow, entirely entranced by him and feverishly in love. Rikkal and Favurn are unable to break free from the enchantment, but are strong enough to every once in a while realize their situation together and try to free themselves (with Sigma), before promptly falling back under the spell.


Eventually the time of quiet comes to an end, as Char's horde has run rampant in the land, overtaking villages, and any competition to it's growing strength. With no one left to stop him and his climb to power, Char tracks down their hidden village in search of Malka, wanting his love enchantments for his own. Char is bent on consuming all the demons that have avoided his horde up till now, forcing them to join his gang or die. 

Malka frantically brings an enchanted Sigma, Rikkal and Favurn with him as they flee the approaching horde. Hiding from Char as they play cat and mouse within the woods, watching as the rest of the village all die protecting a terrified Malka. 

It is just as Malka is captured by Char that his enchantment lets up, freeing Rikkal and Favurn from their dazed frenzy, allowing them to narrowly avoid dying for their selfish captor. 

Rikkal does his best to save Sigma, who is cornered by Char and the horde at a cliff edge; but Favurn, having only eyes to save Rikkal, drags him into trees kicking and screaming. Sigma eventually jumps to his death from the clifftop, in order to avoid getting torn apart and eaten by the beasts of the approaching horde. 

Rikkal and Favurn are never seen again...