


6 years, 11 months ago


female | sixteen | straight | psychic | lost | adopted by miriam
Thinking something like that is very rude...

A young telepath. Until she was about eleven, her telepathic powers weren't strong enough to actually read minds. Instead, she could hear what seemed like mumbling or muffled words, and this scared her. She always made a fuss if her parents took her out into public, and did very poorly in school until they pulled her out to be homeschooled. When she hit her teens, she started to understand what she was hearing and learn how to tune into it. For a while she enjoyed being able to hear what people where thinking and use that ability to her advantage, but then she make the mistake of listening in on her parents. What she heard made her feel unwanted, so she saved up a bit of money, ran away, and took a train as far as it would take her. She was homeless for quite some time, until Miriam took her in.

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