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Ah, I'm so glad at least a few people are still participating in the thing I found yesterday...

Here's a few ribbons I've come up with, most of which I probably won't use.
EDIT 15 SEP: Added Bread crusts

Character Ribbons: 
39238890_qqUjUAzb2EzXlU6.png 39239042_aK4ZxafadDBotAX.png 39239032_pPNdM5ZBbzSMDIv.png39781029_PzOCkOG70wo1B5P.png

Aquatic: For all your aquatic themed characters (I can't tell you how badly I need this...)
Never shall us part: When a character is homed by its creator, but is also their forever home and has never moved, or been considered for trade.
Lock and Key: For characters of a personal species, or when the character owner also owns the species
Bread crusts: A character that's worth at least $10.

Orientation ribbons: (Note: I get all my pride flag knowledge from Pride-Flags on dA, so direct questions there)
39239104_bMFi0Qs5dw2gd8E.png       39238956_fgqkFBjoW5GsniI.png 39239068_gNvx3pCgmxGZgia.png 39239052_yVbKRj1PMr0sOfM.png 39238947_qmjHymYl3MFANFD.png       39238972_hOoYALi4x7PhcJS.png 39239020_tLk3fEMm3kb3whP.png 39239007_gmpc4dMW7DmvLAU.png 39238983_Yc9YzBaNqhzAvyh.png 39238963_V6cMY9XmM0aTZcT.png 39238994_QEA987Xa6ic3U6x.png

Uniattraction: One who is attracted to one other person, and is otherwise ace.
Equiamory: A polyamorous relationship where, all members are in relationships with one another.  (Or every member is on equal romantic/sexual standing with one another)
Polyfidelity: Similar to equiamory, but with added exclusivity to the relationship. One might think of polyfidelity as being similar to monogamy in terms of exclusivity.
Polyfidelity/Equiamory: Two versions of combining the equia/fidelity flags. I can't decide which I hate more, but they both suck. (why do the fidelity flag have to be yucky?)
Ficto-whatever: Specifically for people who are otherwise asexual/aspec but still feel attraction to fictional characters

(I would be very interested to see if people use the ficto- ribbons to label how they feel about their characters XD )

I'm also open to doing more of these if they interest me, so if you have an idea (and think I might be interested), hit me up!

using here!!!! i was also looking for an aquatic ribbon and was so happy to see this one!!!

(Me: could use it for 11 of my characters, but hasn't touched it since making it)
I'm glad someone is using my ribbons! Thank you~

Thank you for the "Never Shall we Part" ribbon!

You're welcome! Thank you for using it!

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Of course you can! Change those sparkles however you want! (I didn't add them in the first place, there were in the base...)

i cant believe this is hiding in the comments