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Apparently it has something to do with being in "Code View"

I'm not....The best at codding. I get heated pretty easily whenever it comes to coding for anything because I have a bad habit of breaking stuff. A friend of mine was able to help me out with it before you responded, but now I know I don't need premium for this type of coding(I know certain profiles need premium for them to work but that's about it.)

code view would be the </> on the lower row of options in the text box; indeed for code to work, it must be put into code view. unless you've already tried that?

and i understand, code can be frustrating when it doesn't do what you want, aha-

I believe I have tried that yes. But now I'm getting this instead:


Which......I have a feeling that's not supposed to happen....Idk how to fix it without breaking my account somehow;;;;

..huh, odd. even if, when in code view, you remove everything and just put the ribbon code, it still does that?

Yeah pretty much....It's really weird.

I don't have the money to pay for anybody else to do the coding for me either so I'm just over here struggling while going insane and driving my friend mad cause I just Don't Fucking Get It.

The reason why I'm struggling is because I'm trying to have it where the ribbon's won't show up one underneath the other. I want them to show up side-by-side but, idk how to code that part and it's driving me mad 8'D

hum.. does this one work for you?

2 Replies