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Hi, sorry. I've been requested to add these ribbons before but because they appear to be traced from another user's ribbon, I won't add them unless I know that your friend had permission to do so. You are welcome to contact them on the matter, but I don't want to infringe on another artist's work.

oh goodness they are?! I had no idea, I'm very sorry! 

i'll contact them and ask about it, do you know which ribbon they were traced from? I'll ask her about it and see if there's any way to resolve this.

It's fine! I figured I'd let you know since I didn't want to seem like I was ignoring you or your friend by declining the ribbons again.

They appear to be based on kittenkinq's star ribbon

Hey, just so you know this has been resolved! Cisco got permission to use the lineart from Kittenkinq and everything was just a huge mixup.

I can get screenshots if you'd like ^^!

That's great! And yes, screenshots would be nice, I just like to be sure

I'M sorrY for the late response-- Irl has been hectic for me as of late q^q''

here's the screenshot! 

2 Replies